Windows On The Word
April 2014
Diminishing The Darkness By Lifting Up The Marvelous Light Of Jesus Christ
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From the Editor ... by Tim Greenwood
Are These Indeed The Last Days?

2Timothy 3:1-9 (TGV) This know also, that in the LAST DAYS perilous times shall come.

For men shall become selfish to the extreme, self absorbed, narcissistic, covetous, believing they are entitled to whatever they want, braggarts, haughty, slanderers, continually spewing profanity and cursing, disobedient to parents, unthankful, not right with God, perverse, unwilling to keep their word, false accusers, with no self control, savages, haters of those that are good, traitors, rash, highly conceited, lovers of sensual pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but rejecting and denying the power thereof: avoid people like these.

For of this sort are those who sneak into homes to captivate foolish, sin filled women and unfaithful wives which get carried away with various lusts, understanding exactly what they are doing, but never able to recognize the truth about themselves.

Much like Pharaoh's wizards Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses, these too resist the truth: men with completely rotten minds, wills and emotions and worthless when it comes to operating in good faith. But they won't get very far before their stupidity shall become obvious to everyone, just as Jannes' and Jambres' stupidity was made obvious.

2Timothy 3:13 (TGV) (Know this also, that in the LAST DAYS) that evil men, imposters and seducers will try to outdo each other becoming worse and worse, deceiving others and being deceived.

Perhaps every generation is able to see their current world in the scriptures, however, never before during my lifetime have I wittnessed such an accurate fulfillment of this passage until now. My mind is made up, but you can judge for yourself.

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Published by Tim Greenwood Ministries

Windows on the Word is published monthly for the edification and pleasure of the partners and friends of Tim Greenwood Ministries (TGM).

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by Marcia Greenwood
How do you read the Bible: the Word of God?  This is God's instruction book on how to succeed in this life.  This is God talking to you, person to person.

Many read the Bible as a devotional, or a prayer book or just because they are told to do so.
We read but many may not understand what they read.  We read but so often don't do what the Bible says to do.

Take for instance Matthew 6:33: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given unto you."

God set up His way of living, the Kingdom of God system in the Garden of Eden.  We all know the story of Adam and Eve and how sin came into this world, then they were put outside of the garden.  As time went on, generation after generation of people strayed further and further from God and His Kingdom living.  

Soon, generation after generation began rejecting God as their leader and King and wanted a human ruler.  So God gave man what they wanted.  He won't force His way on anyone.  So man turned from God and His Kingdom way of living - and man's form of government - began to take over God's Kingdom way of living.

But the Kingdom of God system puts God first place in our lives.  Putting Him first place in our lives is: loving Him, worshipping Him and following righteousness; His right way of doing things.

When we do these things, God promises to give back to us.  Yes, we live in this world, we need to obey the laws of our nation, but we don't have to live the world's way.  

So often this way of living produces failure, sadness and no real hope but just a way of "getting by."  No, we don't have to live in a governmental system that continually gives its citizens less and less.

We live in this world, but we are not part of it.  This scripture does not even register with most people.  In my early years as a Christian I didn't understand the great significance of its meaning.

God is telling us that we have higher laws to live by, a wonderful way of living; His Kingdom living that will produce blessings in our lives when we follow His Kingdom rules or instructions.

Joshua 1:8 - "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

So from now on, when you read God's instruction book, the Bible, read it to learn Who your Father is, Who Jesus and the Holy Spirit are and worship Them. Purpose to learn what God has planned for mankind and you personally and learn to trust that God knows what He is talking about. And when you do the things He says; live the ways He says; speak the things He says; you will be blessed with the things you need in this life.  
And the greatest thing about living in the Kingdom of God system - all these things are secondary to the wonderful companionship, fellowship, love and oneness you will have with God every day.

So, your new assignment, if you decide to accept it is: to read the Bible to investigate Who God is, draw near to Him and do what He says to do.

True Intimacy
by Marcia Greenwood

Are you hungry for more of God in your life?
This 2 CD set will teach you the basics of drawing nearer to Him so you may live in True Intimacy with God.

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